Godaddy VS Bluehost which is better

here we know all difference and similler between BlueHost and Godaddyweb hosting Score,Customer Experience,Price,Product Info and Available Plans



Saturday, March 24, 2018

March 24, 2018

How to Setup A Domain Name With Godaddy ?

Today I'm going to show you , How to buy a web address ? or what we call a domain name . All right , so let's go ahead and get started , so here we are in the home page of GoDaddy ( the most useful Web Hosting Company ) and basically you're going to start with a domain search . You're going to click on the search box , you're going to type in a name that you are interested in purchasing in this case .

How to start a Domain Search ?

I'm going to try to purchase " Anthony trans " name . i'ma type that in and I click go alright , so here's the results and it's going to tell you what's available , and it says right here
sorry Anthony Tran comm is already taken .

So unfortunately , as much as I highly recommend a comm name , I'm going to have to settle for something else . Now you can try different variations to see if you can find a dot-com name , but in this tutorial I'm going to go ahead and just purchase the Anthony Tran dot biz , which is down below and it's priced at 799 . 

I'm going to go ahead add that to my cart , and it's going to ask you if you want to buy the domain name only , or if you want to for an additional fee by the Privacy Protection . Now I do personally recommend buying the privacy protection , because it prevents people from seeing your personal information online .
     I would recommend you buy this privacy protection for an extra seven dollars or so it's definitely worth the privacy so I'm gonna go and click Add and that to my cart .

 Set Your Level of Subscription Term

okay we're all set I'm going to scroll back to the top of the page , and click continue to checkout all right . so now they're going to ask you if you want to buy web hosting , or an extra email for your domain name.

So you're going to click know things alright , so now they're asking you if you want to upgrade for a certain level of subscription term,  they get automatically default at two years . If you are planning to buy a create this business for long term , which you should be thinking for the long-term , you could purchase anywhere from one to ten years .

I'm going to go ahead and just go with the lowest commitment at this time , which is one year and then after a year you're going to renew , so we're going to go and click on one year .

 A Domain name's Payment Methods

When you choose your domain buying plan , It changes your pricing and it's going to ask you if you want to buy other matching domains . so if you are want to basically have the monopoly on you know .

So if you are a new customer , you can go ahead and click the orange button , and basically sign up and then they're going to ask you to fill out some billing information , this is pretty standard go ahead and fill that out and we'll see on the next screen , 

Okay here we are the billing information screen , and they're going to ask you for your payment method so obviously you can pay by credit debit PayPal gift card , whatever you prefer . so go ahead and fill out that information , and then we'll see you in the next screen , so you just purchase your own web address .

So It's easy to create a new website , don't worry it's easier than it sounds GoDaddy offers an all-in-one solution, to help you build a website or online store . It includes hosting to make your site visible and functional on the internet , and an SSL certificate that protects the data following to , and from your site SSL encryption is especially important , if you're going to sell products from your site .

Friday, March 9, 2018

March 09, 2018

Best Ways to Use A Domain Name Easily

    I'll explain today the definition of  A domain name and it's using ,, It helps us reach an IP address. If I give you an IP address , you may possibly not remember it . If I tell you my domain name - , you will be easily able to reach my web address.  A domain name helps you to reach a website without knowing the IP address.

How many kinds of domain names are there? 

The main top level domain names are .com for companies, .net fot network , .org for organizations .edu for schools or colleges & .gov for government websites. In India you will also find domain names ending in & .in as well. 
It is important that you choose a good domain name for your website. Choose a domain name that is short & easy to remember Which has some originality & is easy to spell. Let's see how to register a domain name .
There are a no. of websites where you can register a domain name .

Three ways that you can use your new domain name

Did you go with a classic com or claim a slide no extension like guru either way , your domain is a powerful little piece of text , you purchase the perfect domain name and you're ready to put it to work for you . 

The first way you can use your domain name

 Is to create an email account already have an email account , most people do chances are some time in the past you signed up for a free email , running your small business isn't it time to up your email game . you can use your domain name for a custom email address think about it, if you want your business to stand out from the crowd , using your domain name for your email address not only looks more professional .
It's an incredible method to advance your business redid email is awesome yet like a great many people you most likely got your area name to make a site for it .

The second Way

You can do with your domain name using your domain name for a website, gives you a dedicated branded space to introduce your business to anyone, anywhere ,who can associate with the web stunningly better . Your site will get your business relatively unlimited promoting contact individuals, from Arizona to Zimbabwe will have the capacity to discover you on the web, with just a click of the mouse , but what happens if you're so busy running your business that you just can't find the time to build your site, or even discover somebody to do it for .

The Third Way

You should think about sending your area name to elsewhere on the web, until the point when you get the website up , and running this is the third thing you can do with your domain name confused  Let me explain it's not uncommon for small businesses just starting out , to create a facebook business page if you have a facebook business page, or another online networking account on the web .

You can utilize your area name to forward guests to that page until your sites up, who navigates to your domain name in their browser, will automatically be forwarded to a web page you currently have like a facebook business page clever right, and you have it with all the power and potential your domain name has, why would you ever let it just sit there and collect dust use it for your email address a new website , or two forward visitors to an existing website but put it to work for you  .

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

February 07, 2018

Which Web Hosting Service Is The Best ? GoDaddy OR BlueHost

     Which hosting service is the best GoDaddy or Bluehost ,, I'm going to share with you which one I use in just a minute all right everyone . let's take a look I have gone through many different hosting services . first of all GoDaddy list our GoDaddy I have bought lots of domain names from them hosting service .
So I started out with them in the beginning obviously when you buy your domain name . I might as well buy hosting service with the same company , but unfortunately in the media they've been portrayed very badly some other practices are horrible . their customer service is not that great . so the hosting service I actually used it and horrible like it's hard to navigate it's just Oh so I would definitely not recommend GoDaddy .

Differents Between Bluehost , Godaddy and Hostgator

Bluehost I've actually never used it but I've heard many many good things from a lot of my friends that use it , and a lot of people I've never had a problem I'm actually workers clients and actually use it . so I've actually helped people with it and it's great and not had a problem with that the only reason I went with Hostgator host it is actually the one I choose is  , because they have great plans so there's always some deal what's going on they also have a monthly plan , and a yearly plan of course if you buy a yearly plan in advance you save a lot more money .
Bluehost doesn't have any other options like you buy a whole year and that's about it , and which can be affordable if you buy it all at once . so if you have the budget to pay it all up at once you can go with Bluehost or Hostgator , but I choose Hostgator been using them for a long time customer service is awesome , I can chat with him at any time of night for those entrepreneurs who stay up late at night . if something goes wrong you may have been able to help me out very limited problems with Hostgator .

Get Your Domain Name with Hosting Sites

So I'd actually recommend it to all my clients so click the link below for that if you want to get it with Gator I actually . let me show you real quick I just go ahead and go to host plan you're actually get don't get confused with the where , it says web hosting and wordpress hosting because i do you build werevery all the sites that I use are on WordPress .

But I actually don't get their WordPress hosting plan I'm not actually sure what it is , but I would go with the web hosting on the top left-hand corner choose a plan a friend of mine , is actually about to purchase hers and they suggested the hatchling plan , but she only has one domain name if you have more than one domain name like I do , I go with the baby plan which gives you unlimited domains .

    So the ideas about a different domain like every minute is , you might want to get the baby plan is unlimited , if they start trying to charge you for other extra things like privacy and that basically just means that they won't show your address out into the world , because it's public knowledge when you buy a domain or even you host your website . who owns the website people can find out .

So if you are a very private person you don't want people to know me to me I don't know I don't really care , I mean people want to find me and they can find me . so I just go with baby plan don't buy any of the extra stuff keep it simple , obviously this is a good deal for ninety five months . I'm sure that's probably just their deal if you buy a whole year but just go ahead and click sign up . go through the signup application here you put your domain name obviously .

If you've already bought it or if you need to register one , then you can if you already own your domain you can switch that off there pick the baby plan , and then go through the different options and you know fill all the information that they need the only one thing I've never seen this before me personally , but I've heard of them asking for a an ID to make sure you are who you are I wouldn't be freaked out about it I had some kind it's kind of freaked out about that but I believe it's just a protection thing .

So if they come across that but I've never came across that personally , so that's about it for hosting Oh this week we're having an awesome webinar all about blogging , so if you have for yourself is branding yourself online , if you're an online marketer or if you have a business that you're selling any products or services .